Solving Employee Productivity Headaches

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In today’s fast-paced work environment, seamless communication is crucial for success. HR teams need an efficient platform to reach all employees with important announcements, while employees require a straightforward way to connect and collaborate with colleagues.
This is where the MyEdge Chat app comes in. MyEdge Chat is a dedicated employee communication tool that enables HR to efficiently broadcast announcements and allows employees to easily connect and collaborate with one another.
Here’s how to Get Started with MyEdge Chat App:
Step 1: Access the MyEdge App:
To use the MyEdge chat app, you need to have access to the MyEdge app as an employee. MyEdge is a self-service tool where employees can carry out their basic employee activities like requesting for time off, viewing payslips, etc. This can be installed on Google Play Store or App store.
Step 2: Navigate to the Chat App
Click on the chat icon in the navigation bar to enter the Chat app. Then, click on the chat button pop-up on the right-hand side of your screen.

Step 3: Start Chatting
Begin chatting with your colleagues by scrolling through your contacts or searching for an employee by name.

You can create groups by clicking on the group card and filling in the necessary information to add team members.

You can also send files to your colleagues or a group chat

The MyEdge Chat app is simple and easy to use, enabling you to communicate with your colleagues on the go. Stay connected and enhance your workplace collaboration effortlessly with MyEdge Chat.
Would you rather watch a step-by-step video guide? Click on Youtube video below: